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This piece of writing is a joint initiative by the participants in the Gender, Work and Organization writing workshop organized in Helsinki, Finland, in June 2019. This is a particular form of writing differently. We engage in collective writing and embody what it means to write resistance to established academic practices and conventions together. This is a form of emancipatory initiative where we care for each other as writers and as human beings. There are many author voices and we aim to keep the text open and dialogical. As such, this piece of writing is about suppressed thoughts and feelings that our collective picket line allows us to express. In order to maintain the open‐ended nature of the text, and perhaps also to retain some ‘dirtiness’ that is essential to writing, the article has not been language checked throughout by a native speaker of English.  相似文献   

Sofiia Andrukhovych’s 2014 novel Felix Austria (Feliks Avstriia) became Ukraine’s most critically acclaimed and commercially successful work of literature published in the immediate aftermath of the Euromaidan revolution of 2013–14. It combined an ambitious historical reconstruction of daily life in the year 1900 in a mid-size city in the Habsburg-ruled part of Ukraine and an engaging plot skilfully employing multiple devices associated with the Gothic tradition, especially in its latter-day and postmodernist reinterpretations. The novel’s success is especially telling in the context of the rising interest in the Gothic in Ukrainian culture. Told by an unreliable narrator, the novel prompts readers to interrogate their assumptions. In the context of Ukraine, it is particularly subversive in its engagement with the nostalgic myth of the Habsburg Empire as a multi-ethnic utopia of tolerance, and by implication it challenges all imperial myths. The novel’s emphasis on the quest for (self-)discovery strongly resonated with readers in the context of a socio-political crisis, which highlighted the relevance of the distinct postcolonial overtones in its message.  相似文献   
《一个人老了》写于1991年4月,彼时作者的生理年龄与诗中感悟分别处于跨度相距较远的不同生命时段,由此在形成诗歌内在张力的同时,也使阅读必须面对在“四月”与“衰老”之间存在的强烈反差,问题由此被提出。对这种反差的成因分析是从文本的抒情节奏、抒情肌理以及价值立场与生命观等方面的异质特征切入,解读其在诗歌渊源上与博尔赫斯、聂鲁达等世界诗人之间的互文关系,进而追溯至作者西川所代表的“知识分子写作”对阅读经验的习惯性倚重。  相似文献   
唐人在著述中常常提及到女娲神话,而在文学中女娲也逐渐演化为一种文学母题原型,成为"创造万物、构建秩序、救民困厄"的文学意象符号,演变成了造福人类的意象载体。与唐代以前女娲神话的文学书写意象不同,唐代的文人更多的是以女娲神话作为一种符号来表达自我情怀。而这种模式也使得女娲神话的书写呈现出由集体政治意识向个体生命意识、由宏大理想向现实情怀的转变。从唐人对女娲神话的态度和评价的转变中,可以更好地了解作家们的思想心态,从而更本真地把握唐代文学。  相似文献   

Scholarly textbooks often follow a logic where suitable empirical cases are selected to illustrate the theoretical and analytical points that we as scholars want to make. But what would happen if we would do the opposite: build a textbook on a novel written by a novelist for such purpose and let the theories explain the actions and emotions of fictional characters? In this article, we share and reflect upon our experiences of co-authoring a textbook in organization theory together with a professional novelist. We argue that the novel can function as an eye-opener in organizational analysis, forcing us to look beyond more static and rationalistic perspectives on organizations as well as the stereotypes of such. We build and relate our experiences to the growing literature about using fiction in scholarly work and discuss the potential of such genre-bending work when we bring in flesh and blood into the analyses.  相似文献   
造物艺术史研究之中只有赋予造物艺术史以某种新意义、新价值或者新答案的论著才称得上是具有启迪意义的论著。要做到这一点,既要求研究者必须具备良好的历史意识,更要求其在研究中把握好“源与流”“内容与形式”“历时性与共时性”“造物的因果律”等核心问题。这些问题不仅涉及能否准确把握人类物质文明发展的历史全貌,而且关乎人类历史发展动力和规律中复杂关系的揭示。造物艺术的历史,不只是物态的历史,还是一部与人有关的生产生活史。近年来,造物艺术史研究对这些问题和关系的探索,出现了两个引人瞩目的新变化:一是研究方式从描述转向阐释;二是研究视角从核心转移到了边缘。  相似文献   
经历了明清鼎革的明朝遗民留下了丰富的关于明清易代的历史著述,在这些史著中,对死难女性的著录和书写成为引人注目的内容,高宇泰的《雪交亭正气录》就是其中的代表。该书为专记明清更替之际死难人物的传记汇编,涉及死难女性的著录共六十二篇,所著录的死难女性在出身阶层、内容等方面特点鲜明,同时对死难女性的模式化书写表现的也尤为明显。这种著录和模式化的书写一方面是缘于作者著述目的的需要而有意为之,另一方面则归因于作者受到了当时社会思想文化的影响。  相似文献   
都市民俗是在都市环境中蕴育形成的物质民俗、社会民俗、精神民俗及语言民俗等。在20世纪华洋杂处的上海,都市民俗形成了其特有的兼容并蓄的特点。对上海都市民俗的文学书写经历了20世纪30年代新感觉派的“异质民俗”书写、40年代新市民作家的“日常民俗”书写,以及80、90年代当代作家的“民俗寻根”书写等阶段,从而建构起了一条跨越时空的都市民俗文学书写的独特的风景线。都市民俗的文学创作承传也积淀着作家个人的文化情结与国家民族的文化记忆,具有文学史的意义与价值。  相似文献   
新世纪以来,在全国文坛历史题材的书写热潮中,西部边地的历史也成为作家书写和关注的重点。西部作家将具有无名性、个人化肌理的小写的历史,放置在具有共名特质的大写的历史长河中,让纵横捭阖的西部人物、家族历史的立体书写与绚烂多彩的西部文化、区域历史交相辉映。在对个人史、家族史、区域史等小历史的细致、生动和丰润的凸显中,西部历史小说拥有了一种波澜壮阔、深邃宏大的史诗性品格。西部作家多元化、多角度的历史书写,表达了他们重铸一个国家历史、民族历史的情感与愿景,传达出温暖的人性,体现正义与尊严的力量,让历史的光芒烛照现实,展现了文学的救赎功能。  相似文献   
以“文摊文学家”身份走入启蒙大众行列的赵树理,内心充满了对大众的感情。而“方向”的确立,赵树理创作活动置于由意识形态、新的文艺规范及“名人”、“干部”构织而成的聚光灯下,为了保持知识分子的独立性,选择农民文化为农民启蒙的赵树理,这时表现出他对“文学范式”“名利”的游离及对业余创作的提倡,来实现他的知识分子独特性的社会实践角色。  相似文献   
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